5 Signs it is NOT Intuition

More and more, clients come and tell me that they have been having intuitive thoughts or a deep intuitive connection with someone. However, a genuinely open intuition functions very differently from a third eye damaged from excess stress. The latter needs attention and focused self-work/ healing.
What is Intuition?
Our subconscious mind both picks up and processes a 1000 times more information than our conscious mind. When our higher self feels the need to pass some of this information along to our conscious minds to take action, it passes it along as ‘intuition’. We start experiencing this more and more frequently as our Reiki practice gets stronger. For example we might be stepping out of home and despite a sunny day, have a passing thought to take the umbrella, only to get stuck in the rain later on. Others feel pulled to make more food than usual (or less) and find that someone is either dropping in or there are sudden plans to go out. These are just mild intuitive insights indicating we are in general alignment with the universe.
It can get a lot stronger than this, like during the de-monetisation in India, several people I know deposited huge amounts of cash for no reason just a day before it all happened, only to be utterly surprised at the announcement that evening. Others I know have sold all their shares a day before some big crash, and so on. There are also many intuitive insights which can protect us from dangers which we will never realise, for example taking a different route which stops the possibility of an accident or something worse, cutting off connection from a person which might avoid some big financial loss, and so on.
So should we always trust it?
Energies today are very mixed up and more and more I find clients tapping into the wrong energy and confusing it for their intuition. Much of what passes off as intuition these days is not, and it serves our spiritual pathway very well to separate the wheat from the chaff.
1. You Cannot Act On It
When you receive random intuition or premonitions that simply leave you scared or confused, that’s not really an open third eye adding value to your life. People getting visions just before relatives die for instance, or before other bad things happen where you can do nothing to prevent them, these are nothing but a mess. The right kind of clearing will stop these thoughts. (Please note that a mother’s intuition related to the safety of her child is a different matter).
Some intuitive people will have a knowing that something might go drastically haywire, a feeling of foreboding can happen sometimes before things go very wrong. Typically this happens when we have a great deal of anxiety around a happening and if we release that anxiety, such foreboding will stop unless we prefer being warned.
2. It Is Not Helpful
Others tell me of visions of deceased ones or divine beings, and in most cases these are just energy distortions meant to keep them lost. Any such vision is only real if it offers a very clear message about what to do or what you need to hear.
3. It Is Not Clear/ Meaningful
Which brings me to my next point, if you are confused after a vision, it is not a vision at all, it was just trash your mind was throwing up, ignore it completely. If these powers can step into your mind, they are also powerful enough to speak a language you understand.
This brings me to another very popular topic on the internet – angel numbers. I have observed with everyone I have worked with that when they cleanse their energies, these ‘angel numbers’ stop manifesting. These again are merely traps and I encourage you to do a good cleanse if you see repetitive numbers. In the same vein almost every relationship where at least one person was seeing repetitive ‘signs’ like their name everywhere, or encouragement to get into the relationship, turned out over time to be toxic and abusive – if you need ‘signs’ to tell you to be with a person, it likely means your conscious mind is not convinced enough – for good reason.
4. It Inflates Your Ego
A lot of what people think are psychic visions or intuitive insights are just utter rubbish and created by the ego to feed itself. Just look at the message you have received
– does it make you feel ‘better about yourself’, give you fancy labels or ideas to attach to your identity (‘you are special’, ‘you are a star seed’, ‘you are an angel’, here are your wings or your halo, here’s a vision of your brilliant future)
– satisfy your ideas of revenge or justice (messages like ‘he will be punished’)
– negative information about others which makes you feel superior to them, inferior to them or afraid of them. If there is genuine cause to fear such a person, that is a different matter but most people on the spiritual pathway are just afraid of other people’s bad energy affecting them, not realising that their own fear is what is affecting them more than anything else, apart from a lack of proper setting of boundaries. Again, it is good quality therapy work which will be greatly beneficial here.
5. It Creates False Intimacy
Are you always ‘tuned in’ to someone? A lot of people living in stress can perceive too much about loved ones as a result of sustained stress. Unfortunately thanks to the abundance of articles on twin flames, most people today are confusing extremely toxic relationships with twin flames. If you are continuously psychically connected with someone, this is a sign of a very toxic connection and possibly a messed up gut micro biome. Healing these are sometimes very difficult because people are the most deeply convinced that this is true love.
Putting It All Together
The purpose of false ‘intuitions’ is to keep us stuck in an illusion, and the most powerful illusion, the one that is the hardest to let go of, is the one of being truly loved and understood. This could be a connection with a person, or it could be some ‘angel’ or something similar that replaces other close relationships in our lives. A close second is that of identity, feeling special or even in rare cases feeling like a bad person, anything to give us something to identify with, to feel either that we are special or that we belong. The third aspect is just to give us a spinning mind, because we like analysing things. When we watch out for these, they slowly clear the way to much better and clearer intuition that actually adds value to our lives.