If you’re looking for a post talking about scientific opinions on the effects of microwaves on food, then you’re in the wrong place. But then, common sense will tell you that science does not know everything, especially with regards to health. And a little bit of research will tell you that scientific studies can be rigged. And they are, frequently.
So who do we trust then? Ourselves. Not a very easy thing for those who rely on their five senses, but if you’re in touch with the deeper aspects of yourself, then it is much easier. I can sense energies. A friend who can see auras (the energy field present around people and things) recently contacted me regarding the effect of microwaves on food, and this is the discussion we had.
R: Hi Ashwita,
Water is the only thing effected by microwaves – water is polarized, causing water molecules to vibrate and produce heat which cooks the rest of the food. The vitamins, minerals and the rest of the food particles remain unharmed.
I was actually quite shocked because I have heard from many sources that microwaved food is bad. So, this led me to wonder where does these sources get their info? Is there some unknown research on this that is not in public domain?
What are your thoughts on this?
Here’s an interesting link I found, ‘
Microwaves‘ and they link to some studies as well. They’re probably over excited, but the studies are worth looking at probably.
Now, I have not really bothered about studies wrt microwaves. I don’t believe much of what I hear, and only trust the information that ‘feels’ right. I heard that microwaves genetically mutate food. I didn’t really care if that was technically correct. I did feel that food didn’t ‘feel’ right after microwaving. The Masaru Emoto pictures of microwaved water make it look like water has been bombed when microwaved. Healing it fixes it to an extent, so I usually Reiki my food if I know it was microwaved.
Why don’t you try it yourself? Check the aura of a dish before and after microwaving? and tell me what you see!
R: Yes, I have felt it too. Microwaved water just does not feel right. Microwaved food also feel wrong to some extent, I believe its because the water in the food is electrocuted by the electromagnetic field in microwaves.
But I have also feel that water has the ability to heal itself.
My point being if it only effects water like the research say, then it only as bad as any other type of cooking.
A: No, I don’t think it is as bad as any other type of cooking…. cooking sometimes enhances the vibration of food even…. plus, yes water has the ability to heal itself, but that is over a period of time – not in the few seconds that the food is consumed in. If a person with already sick cells (most humans today) consumes food in which the water is already dead, then he has very little restoration capacity, I think.
Check the energy of boiled water, it’s gentler and less ‘dead’ than microwaved water.
PS: It cannot be that only water is heated. How does the plate then become hot?
R: I normally drink a glass of hot water (heated on stove) with honey in the morning. Today, I heated water in microwave to see the difference. Water felt sick, like it lost a part of it. It felt partially dead – exactly like you described. About 1 – 2 hrs after drinking it, I became very thirsty, felt drained of energy, not pleasant at all.
I read that plants are 90% water. So that means 90% of the food we eat becomes sick when we put it in a microwave. Sure, microwaves preserves the rest 10% like all the studies say. But I would not want to eat food that is 90% sick. 🙁
Thank for your help Ashwita and It was very nice of you to indulge me on my panic spree. I feel much better after figuring this out. 🙂
A: Yessss AND our bodies are between 70-80% water 🙂 go figure
Oh well, timely post. As it is i never cooked food in a MW, only heated it up occasionally and in glass containers. After moving to Hong Kong, was planning to buy one only to reduce the time and effort. But now fully convinced its only a waste of money and exposing myself more to bad health. Thank you.
Great , thanks for this info .
Ideally good info is so much scattered and its difficult to find one place where all genuine facts are listed in a unbiased way .
One point here is that I have read somewhere that Ayurveda says that honey should never be heated as it causes cancer .Not sure how true ,however I saw once reference to this in TV program also .So need somebody to validate this .