It is quite easy to get me to like a dish. Just add coconut milk! I couldn’t stop eating this the first time I tasted it. And now it is the same story every time I make it.
This is another of those super healthy AND super tasty dishes. One may wonder where the taste even comes from, because there are barely any spices here. But make it once, and you’re hooked!
Traditionally, ginger is not added, but it is an addition I love.
Time taken: 25 min (Overnight soaking required)
Serves 2
1 cup lobhiya / van payaru or black eyed peas
1 cup cubed elavan/ ash gourd/ white pumpkin
2 green chilies
1 cup coconut milk
2 tsp ginger (optional)
2 sprigs curry leaves
1 tbsp coconut oil
Salt to taste
Soak the lobhiya in enough water overnight, at least 8-9 hours.
Pressure cook the lobhiya for 8 min, or open cook until done.
Cook the pumpkin with a little water, salt, green chilies and ginger.
When done, add the lobhiya and coconut milk. Bring to a boil and simmer until it reaches the desired consistency. Check for salt.
Heat the coconut oil, add the curry leaves and pour it over the dish. Serve with rice.