Evolution: How evolved are you?

I came across an interesting site which brought back a previous stream of thought. The site seemed to echo almost exactly what I think. It said that 5 billion years ago, earth was just a mass of heat, with conditions that could not foster life. But life happened. 2 billion years ago, there was no species which could think on its own – but then man appeared. And now, in their words “We see no hope for man, We cannot conceive of a species after him, We think man is here to stay” But it will come.
Yes, it will. At one time, dinosaurs ruled the world. Now, man does. Tomorrow, some other species will.
Man has to evolve. But those who consider this phenomena often forget that evolution has two parts – one part of a species evolves into something else, while the others continue to exist in a state similar to what they’ve been for hundreds of years. And so I gather, a few humans will evolve.
The differences, somehow, I am already beginning to see. There is a rift in mankind – and not a political, religious, or social one. It is a rift of intellect. Of spirituality. There are many who are still animal-like in nature – they exist to fulfill material needs – food, shelter, procreation. Some go overboard in pursuing these, and others get addicted to elements which will help them forget their needs. This man loves going out of his own control.
Then there is another type – the ones who explore. They are moving beyond intelligence, beyond their 5 senses, into the unknown. Many already have powers which others cannot fathom. Others are moving in that direction. They are evolving because they did not stop learning when they entered adulthood. Or maybe simply because they were chosen to evolve. This is a mass that will turn the world around simply by willing it to.
I don’t know whether the ones who aren’t evolving, can choose to start evolving. All I know, is that I see a difference, and it seems to be growing with time. A marked split will probably not happen in our lifetime, but much later.
If the new species traced their family tree, will you be in it?