Anger vs. Rage

Anger vs. Rage

Lava, Cracked, Background, Fire, Volcano, Stone

So… this is something I’ve been I’ve been chewing on for quite a while and I got clarity today.


When you’re fuming, are you angry or are you outraged? I’ve had a tough time explaining the difference, but I’ve also known they’re very different. Here’s my understanding of it.

Anger is the energy of change. Something is happening that makes you uncomfortable; you want to trigger a change, you get angry. Of course if you can witness that anger and come from a space of peace, you get much better results, but this is the energy that suggests that change is needed, and comes up with the energy needed to facilitate it. Anger is sharp, light, hot, and fades quickly. Like fire.


Rage is heavy, intense, hot and long lasting. Like molten lava.
When you have been allowed to express anger as a child, you learn that anger is enough to facilitate change. You get angry – some even make this a habit because they’re erroneously learned that anger is the only possible agent of change. But when your anger as a child was suppressed – if you were punished for your anger or not allowed to feel or express your anger, then that anger turns to rage. You learn that there are only two choices – to suffer or to make the other person suffer. So your anger does not abate when you have your way, you need to see the other person in pain in order to feel safe. You might have fantasies of hurting other people if this is what you experience. Rage happens when your power was significantly taken away as a child and you have not yet reintegrated it.

You can experience a combination of both, experiencing rage in certain aspects of your life while expressing anger in other aspects. Both parts can benefit from healing, but the approach needs to be slightly different. Look at power issues for healing rage, and look at healing violation/ helplessness/ humiliation. For healing anger, look at feelings of injustice, discomfort and irritation.

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