Dare to be Free
Most of us live in free, democratic countries. We have freedom of speech, freedom to act, and freedom to live any which way we want! Do we, really?
Freedom is a very big word. And although we all wish for it, when it does come to us, we spurn it. Are you really free? Free from worries, anger, hatred and most importantly, greed? Are you really independent? Are you in control of your actions, not being bullied, blackmailed, tricked and pleaded into doing things? Are you really free enough to dare to dream, and dare to make those dreams come true, without fear of failure?
The sad truth is, we are chained. By ourselves, by our fears, our insecurities and our past. But, although we occasionally dream of it, we still do not want to be free. For, with freedom, come responsibilities. If you are free, you cannot blame anyone anymore, because you are responsible for everything you are, and everything you say and do.
We worry about what the society will think if we do something offbeat, but we are unconcerned when we litter the streets, lie to our children, bargain for a petty sum of money, talk loudly in restaurants, or break queues. Sab chalta hai!
Despite the responsibilities, freedom is sweet. It is something to strive for. It is something that is essential to our growth. You can choose to be free. Choose to take control of your life. We think that emotions just ‘happen’, but we are wrong. Circumstances are out of our control, but our feelings are not. You can choose to feel or not feel, provided you are aware of yourself and your surroundings.
Observe yourself like a third person. Everything you do, ask yourself if you are setting an example. We try to hide our misdeeds from others. But can you hide them from you? Be true and honest to yourself. Try to find a responsible, brave person in the mirror.
Own up for yourself. Fulfill your needs, and chase your ‘wants’ only through the right paths. The next time you feel chained by emotions, ask yourself if you really need to go through those emotions. Realise that you feel because you choose to feel. Often, we are so busy ‘feeling’ -depressed, angry, hurt, – that we have no time or energy left to change things. Choose to feel good. Choose to grow.