How Long Are you Prepared to Live?

I’ve had discussions with young as well as old people in the last couple of weeks, and I’ve found one disturbing trend that I want to talk about.
I’m finding that people imagine they’ll live until 60ish. Now, unless you die an accidental death or you came here with a really short life plan, chances are high that you’ll cross 100. Right now the average life span of the wealthy Indian is easily 80-90. What do you think that number will be in another 50 years? We’re likely to hit 120 easily. The only question is, are you going to spend the second half of your life healthy or sick.
If you live as if you’re going to die at 60, you will still energetically die – you age faster, you’re more careless with your body, and you’re going to have a lot less energy. And when you hit 60, ‘life’ is over. So you’re essentially living as a corpse.
If you want to be healthy till you die, wake up. You’ve got to approach life asking yourself, how would I treat my body if I had another 80 years to live? Because you likely do. You’ll leave your body only when the time comes, regardless of how badly you want to die. But you might stop living many years before that happens, if you are not careful and sincere about your journey.