Journeying into Meditation -III

As we’ve realised by now, meditation makes one more and more intimate with our minds. We slowly identify more and more, how the mind keeps us trapped through repetitive patterns.
One might think that more physically oriented spiritual paths, such as yoga, might be more grounding, but I haven’t seen this to be the case. Yes, it makes the body more stable and sturdy, but the mind knows how to work it’s way around most situations.
So, you’re unaffected now?
One of the most common things to happen in the beginning stages is this indifference to all things around. ‘I am so happy now, nothing affects me anymore!’ I cannot count the number of times I have heard this from those starting their journey. But this, usually, is far from the truth. They are just affected in a different way.
When there is an imbalance in the body, an overpowering of the third eye will lead to a weakness in the hara chakra, which is the feeling center. So feelings disappear. One goes into a zone where no external circumstances seem to cause any stir inside. It is such bliss after having swung from one emotion to another for so long.
When the third eye starts to open and it becomes more and more easy to ‘see’ things, and to see through things. For example, if a person doesn’t like you and is trying to fake a smile, you will know. And this is where the trap lies.
An open third eye without the balancing effects of the heart and the hara, is just the ability to see everything, without compassion, without empathy. Such people either become rude or oversensitive, losing the capacity to tolerate ‘fake’ or unintelligent people. This harshness isn’t directed only outwards. Eventually, it becomes self-directed too, making the person extremely self-critical. Depression becomes a common state of mind.
What is the point, if the journey you started so you could merge with the universe, eventually just creates more separation, makes you feel more superior to everyone else?
Turn back to the heart and the hara. This is also why the presence of a guru helps, or the presence of a friend along the spiritual path – because someone who is observing you will catch the ego wrapping you in it’s grip again.
Whatever reaction the mind throws up, is just a reaction, and shouldn’t be paid heed to. No matter which path you choose, there will be traps. This is what you need to keep in mind, that’s all. If you forget about awareness at any point, then you might react to life situations and get caught up in the mind again.
Remember that the mind is just one. Doesn’t matter if it is yours or someone else’s. The reactions are all the same, just varying based on the planetary positions, and life circumstances. So when you’re having a boring or exasperating conversation with someone, it is just your mind reacting to another mind’s reaction. When you truly learn to rise above the mind, you rise above both – your own mind, as well as the mind of the person in front of you.