Right Now
This moment, this instant
Someone out there is smiling
Someone else is breaking down
Somebody is letting the silence speak
Someone else is trying to shout over the din
Someone is unzipping a tent to a beautiful dawn
While someone else tucks her babies in
Somebody is standing atop a mountain
Letting her hair fly in the wind
Someone else is looking down, wondering
If he could end his pain by jumping
Someone is experiencing a first kiss
And someone else, their teary last
Somebody is excited about their latest adventure
Somebody else is losing hope, falling apart
Somewhere, right now, huddled around a fire
They’re playing the guitar, singing
Somewhere else a homeless man
Tries to fall asleep, shivering
Someone is delighted to hear
Their newborn’s first cries
Someone else’s heart screams
As a loved one slowly dies
Yes, somewhere, the dolphins are leaping
Mesmerised by the breaking dawn
Somewhere a tiger hides in wait
For a chance to attack that grazing fawn
Somewhere right now, clouds are floating
Making spectacular designs on morning skies
Waves are kissing the shores, to leave once more
And mountains are growing, touching new highs
Right now somewhere, flowers are blooming
Butterflies are flapping their tiny wings
Leaves are fluttering in surrender to the wind
Somewhere, a bird in all it’s gaiety sings
This instant, somewhere,
A star is being born
Elsewhere a black hole
Consumes all it once formed
Right now, this very moment,
Worlds are being formed, worlds are falling apart
Life is unfurling; are you here yet,
Or are you still lost in the future and past?
2 thoughts on “Right Now”
and everywhere, someone is witnessing all this…
yesssss, very, very true!