Simple Method to Move Past Anger

The last few days have been bizarre. A friend shared with me that Mars-Pluto conjunction is causing upheavals, power struggles and misdirected anger. And boy, haven’t we seen this in action?
I’ve observed that those who have been practicing deep listening and a strong spiritual practice have remained stable – letting the inner storm stay separate from their outer world. While the others have succumbed to passive aggressive behaviour or overt aggression.
How do you move past the anger you are feeling? The first step is to stop making it about the outside world. Yes, a lot of nonsense is happening. But if you want to poison your body with disease-creating toxic chemicals just because other people are acting like fools, do it consciously, with full awareness and by choice.
When we are children, anger gets results. We shout and scream, and our parents relent, unless they know better. This teaches us that anger creates change. But guess what, real life is very different. Your anger is not going to change anyone else, it can only flood your system with cortisol and adrenaline and weaken your immune system and compromise your mental and physical health.
So turn inwards, become completely aware of the anger you are feeling, and just BE that anger. Don’t fight it by trying to externalise it, Just feel the anger spreading to every cell of your body as you inhale, and feel the discomfort, welcome it. And keep your focus on your breath. And watch, as it fades away.